License Exceptions
If a restriction of a license (e.g. number of machines, number of cores, number of threads, etc.) is exceeded you will see these license exceptions.
Wrong ProductIf your Report Designer is given a license key for another Windward Studios product, this pop up will appear:
If your Reporting Engine is given a license key for another Windward Studios product, you will see an exception similar to this:
- Exception occurred: Your license is for a different Windward product 1
Error: Your license is for a different Windward product 1**
Too Many MachinesIf your Reporting Engine is running on more than the licensed number of machines, you will see an exception similar to this:
net.windward.util.LicenseException: Running on more machines than licensed for. This; Running: 2, Licensed: 1 Addr: yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (hostname1, hostname2)
Too Many ThreadsIf your Reporting Engine is being executed by more than the licensed number of threads simultaneously, you will see an exception similar to this:
net.windward.util.LicenseException: Running on more threads than licensed for. License good for maximum of 2 threads
Too Many CoresIf your Reporting Engine is running on a machine with more than the licensed number of cores, you will see an exception similar to this:
net.windward.util.LicenseException: License violation License violation - licensed for 4 cores (across all CPUs), this computer has 8 cores.
Developer License ExceptionsDeveloper licenses allow one thread at a time and a maximum of 250 reports a day. If the thread limit is exceeded you will see an exception similar to this:
License Error: Only allowed 1 request at a time using this server
If the 250-report-a-day limit is exceeded, you will see an exception similar to this:
- only 250 reports a day in development & limited version servers *
WARN (?:?) - only 250 reports a day in development & limited version servers.
WARN (?:?) - Error processing request from /
net.windward.util.LicenseException: Surpassed the limited server daily limit**
Max Pages/Overages ReachedOn FLEX licenses, if your subscription has reached it's max allowed monthly pages, and has overages disabled, or if your subscription has hit your max monthly overages, you will see an exception when trying to run output telling you that:
Your max monthly pages has been reached
Your max overages has been reached
These exceptions will prevent running more output until the end of the month unless you extend your overage limit to account for additional page runs.
License Key CorruptionIf you see a license exception similar to Invalid license key (BAD_XML), your license key may have become corrupted while forwarding it in email.
If someone who received an HTML email from Windward Studios with the proper license key then forwards that key as a plain text email to another recipient, the email system may corrupt the uuencoded license key string in the original HTML email. Because of this, it is recommended to retrieve your keys from the Windward Store as described above. But if license keys must be forwarded via email, save the keys from the Windward Studios email to a text file, then forward the text file as an email attachment. (Windward Studios doesn't initially deliver keys using this method because the email may be blocked by a firewall.)